Gloria Swanson Interview

Q: Mrs. Swanson, where are you from? What is your family like?
A: I was born in Chicago, Illinois on March 27 1899. In the early 1900’s Chicago was all about arts and sports. There were the White Sox and the Chicago Cubs. I grew up with my parents Adelaide Swanson and Joseph Swanson. They supported me through out my career.

Q: What happened that made you interested in the arts?
A: I was always interested in acting. But I never thought of being an actress. One day my aunt took me to this movie studio to see where the movies where made. During the tour this director pulled me out of the crowd because of my beauty and put my in the movie. Ever since that I’ve been acting.("Gloria Swanson")

Q: How did mentors play a role in your life?
A: Mentors....hmmmm....I don’t believe to have mentors I am mentor enough for myself. I do how ever think I never would have succeeded if it weren’t for other actors. You know in my time because I learned from watching plays in Chicago when I was young.

Q: So then can you name people who inspired you?
A: Some people who inspire me are my parents for being supportive. My aunt to because if it wasn’t for her I would not be here. HAHA

Q: What was the world of Hollywood like in your time?
A: Hollywood was all about fashion, and drama. It was rough it was you make it or your out. Everyone knows everyone. It was very hard (but kind of fun). HAHA

Q: What were the culture, economic, and political situations in your time?
A: Well... the culture was very rich. We had fashion, dance, art, and lots of other things. During my time we were just getting out of World War I. So most people thought it ruined our economy even though we weren’t in the war really. Political...people really didn’ a hard t pay attention to politics.

Q: What have been your major accomplishments?
A: That’s a hard question...I have been in many movies. My most famous are The Pullmans Bride and Shifting Sands. I was also nominated for the best actress award for my role of Sandi Tompson in Sandi Tompson.

Q: What have been some major turning points in your life? Why?
A: I think one big turning point is when I decided to go to the movie studio. If I didn’t I probably wouldn’t have become an actress. That’s the thing that pushed me to what I love.

Q: What road blocks have you had to overcome?
A: One big problem has been going from the silent movie era to talking television. Most actors and actresses completely failed in the change. But not me I kept working hard.

Q: Rumors are that you have been married 7 times is this true?
A: 6

Q: Why so many?
A: I believe I have not completely fell in love yet

Q: Can we end by hearing a story of your success?
A: Well I have one story I would love to tell. I was in this scene in the silent movie era called the Lions Bride. At last minute the director cut the scene. “I said, “Mr. Demelle you can’t do that.” He said “Why do you want to do that particular scene?” I said you don’t understand, when I was a little girl my grandmother had this painting a replica of this famous painting called the Lions Bride. And here it was a bride with a lion on its back,she had gone to say goodbye to this cub she raised and the lion killed her.” “oh” he said, “Well.. alright.” So we did this scene with a lion the entire time i can feel this lion on my back and I could feel the danger. I loved it.

Works Cited Page

"Gloria Swanson." IMDB., Inc, 2012. Web. 25 Feb 2012. <>.

"Bio." Gloria Swanson. BTIA, 2003. Web. 25 Feb 2012. <>.

Gloria Swanson." Golden Silents . Golden Silents , n.d. Web. 25 Feb 2012. <>.

"Gloria Josephine May Swanson." GENi. Geni, Inc, 2012. Web. 25 Feb 2012. <>.

"Gloria Swanson Biography ." biography channel. AETN UK , 2005-2011. Web. 25 Feb 2012. <>.

Starr, Steve. "Gloria Swanson." compass rose. Compass Rose Cultural Cro, 2005-2008. Web. 25 Feb 2012.

"Chicago History." N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb 2012. <>.

"Gloria Swanson ." find a death. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb 2012. < Swanson/gloria_swanson.htm>.

"Gloria Swanson." all movie. Rovi Corp , 2012. Web. 25 Feb 2012. <>.

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"1920's History." the people history. The People History, 2004 / 201. Web. 25 Feb 2012. <>.

"Celebrities: Famous and Important People From Chicago, Illinois." hubpages. hubpages, 2012. Web. 25 Feb 2012.

"Gloria Swanson." famous-relationships.topsynergy. topsynergy relationships group, 2003. Web. 25 Feb 2012. <>.

swanson, gloria, perf. Gloria Swanson interview (from "Hollywood", 1980). Pocketfulofmiracles, 2008. Film. <>.

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