Friday, April 13, 2012

Similarities, Differences, and Judgments

Everyone tell me what you think of me and what we have in common. I want to get to know you.


  1. Well, it's great to see such a talented, persevering artist such as you. I think we can relate in many ways: our parents were both supportive of our arts, and you seem so passionate about art. You seem very serious about acting, as am I with music...
    In ways we differ though, we grew up in totally different atmospheres. I feel that the United States of America was more open and supportive of all arts. In the Soviet Union (in between the World Wars)we were a damaged country. Ruled by cruel dictators who restricted to how we expressed ourselves and what we did. Not saying in anyway I am better than you or vice versa, I just think we had totally different settings in our lifetimes growing up.
    And lastly, I love how you are willing to take risks to get your work done, and done well. Such as with the "A Lion's Bride". Watching the interview and seeing clips gave me a new found respect for you. I must disagree though, with your behavior on the "Carol Burnett Show". Sorry, but it was cute at first, but your flirting went on way too long.
    Those are my thoughts.

  2. Ms. Swanson, I don't know if you remember but I worked with you at Paramount Pictures on some of my movies. I have to complement you on how fantastically you honed your acting skills to fit the personality of the character you were portraying. I was always very pleased with your work on my movies, it was and always will be a pleasure.

    We grew in the Silent Movie Era and then I added the the beautiful voices of actors such as you. We are just different branches of the same tree.

  3. Hello Gloria Swanson I like how your your were a ambitious actress. I feel the difference between us you seem as if you stayed safe meaning you just seem like any other actresses to me there is nothing that catches my eye right now i'm pretty sure your wonderful actor I just need to see more out of you, but you are a ambitious actress though. Maybe you could teach my dancers way to have different emotions when there dancing it would sure bring the characters to life that they are portraying.

  4. Ms Swanson,
    Our similarities are that we both work hard, and we both had support from our family. We are different in the way that you seem to be more serious about your work than I do. Do not get me wrong, I am serious about my work, but i like to have fun with it as well. Also that we were in two totally different situations growing up. You7 in the U.S while i was on the other end of the world.

  5. Hello Ms. Swanson, I love and respect your movies! We are both gals from the Mid-west, I see you are from Chicago, Illinois and I am from Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, but I ended up studying on the east coast and you west coast. Our lives seem so different, my goodness you had six husbands, you get around! One was almost to much for me haha. After Alfred died I did not remarry but I see you chose quite a different path.
    We are both hand working woman in a time when it was difficult for people to take us seriously in our profesions. Many fellow male artists could not accept me as an equal. Did you have the same problems Ms. Swanson?

  6. Hello Ms. Swanson! How are you? As you may know, I'm an actress as well. My parents supported me even though she pushed me maybe a little to much. We are different, because you are very serious and I am more peppy and upbeat. I truely love your movies and would love to hear from you!

  7. Honestly we don't have much in common besides us being famous so, let's get to know each other.
